S tinted In one of the best positions in this popular holiday resort eli 1 mile« lrom Coff s Harbour this proportion derives an exception LIVD T9It 61n 58ft lim x 20611 174ft lOln ROW to Beresford ttoad 3011 40tt * 4211 Galt PIKll.0 RM LOE MAIN BEDRM and DRESSING RM 2 Add BED- RMS EMX 6UNRM TILED BATHRM Tllc-I Kit With Gas Range ' «COM Lnt Porch Lge ENT VEST Spacious LOUNGE (F P ) on^td c1 brick on stone Kith tile roof and is structurally sound Hi utro ndinB grounds are lmproicd with large lawns gardens and Hen* nnd other amenities The residence Is substantial Js. I mitins distance of Royal Sydney Goll Links various I FIRSTLY io b» ofltrtd with a o 3 and 2 ton Overhead Crane and Stn KVA Aux Generating Plant THEN If unsold excluding theseĬoamancii s a corner position In one of the most pleasant sectors bl Is! renamed arcs this îcsidcnce Is so situated that It possesses ijpir le views of S>dne> Harbour across to Manly It is particularly duneed bl cits Buses (Routes 305 and 37->) past door and is THE LAND cemprhes in arci of 3 rds 9'a per with a frontage " 1 Bit O'jin lo Edinburgh Road a depth along Edgeware Road of Ï14I md a frontage to Railway Parade of 2i6ft 7'/¡in TT Itirtlil ' storcicd BRICK BUILDING with reinforced concrete roof and lo« jitab tut Bond Store or for Spare Pirts All external walls erltt ind or O C I All modem licilltles and amenities Incl Hot and GENERAL STORE BOILER SHOP BLACKSMITHS SHOP and a sub "A cottle ofTces ENOINI-ER S SHOP SHEET METAL SHOP. 'A MILrS FBOM THE GPO and close to St Peters and SydenhamĪ 2 ÇTOREYhD GENERAL orncr with ample accom Including 3 v ITTTUCTIVE WEATHERBOARD COTTAGE with tiled roof INĪ *Î?F&ePI^hAB^ge,a^nlngío,Snmflinbe,dro1LBJ modern ' - AI^MS* withtlled roof CLOSE to BEACH nnd TRANSPT j IACH Bulli of brie* min mea is loun".rm dlninB rm kit j ACCOM (Frrai *S"!' ¡oungc rm dlnlng-rm kit bathroom 'WKÄ?fc PA "'H' M" * 128[L 5in TORRENS 1 Z Conj G B HERFORD ESQ, Hunter s Hill Zreirnvr PAIRS of SEMIS CONVERTED INTO 4 FLATS J \s 40 «nd 4= 44 HASTINGS PARADE (near Wairoa Ave) ! In Conj ^'"'SOLICITORS ARTHUR KFNNEDY A. J AC$MotolÍÍ room 2 bedrooms bathroom kitchen sep laundry DartIy enclosed front verandah and return lounge T|TÍEVATED POOTTION and COMMANDS MAGNIFTCENT OCEAN


Auction Sale Date: Tues., 25th March, 1952